Meet the Team
Introducing Leadership Team

Hoop Brothers all started in 2012 when founder Sam Tarell wanted to give his younger brother, Tiger, the experience
of playing college basketball he never had. As a child, Sam moved around more times than he could count and the basketball court is one of the first places he felt a sense of home. Since he wasn’t able to continue that experience into college, he wanted to make sure his younger brother had the opportunity.
At age 18, Sam made it his mission to get his brother, Tiger, a scholarship for college basketball. He simply started by creating highlight videos of Tiger playing basketball which ultimately helped his brother land a college basketball scholarship. This inspired Sam to partner with events and film more basketball players to help them get the exposure they needed.
Little did he know a decade later he’d be leading a team of hundreds of videographers across the United States. The desire to help his brother has turned into a movement helping thousands for high school basketball players nationwide.

Jess played basketball in Germany in the early 2000s and has been an integral member of the Hoop Brothers leadership team since 2015. She personally manages our
partnerships with event hosts, trainers, coaches, and basketball organizations throughout the US. She is always seeking that next collaboration that could elevate Hoop Brothers and the impact we have on our community.
Among her various responsibilities, Jess is most proud of the internship program our team has and is continuing to develop for young college students interested in exploring sports as a professional avenue. Having hired over 50 interns over the last 2 years and seeing the development, growth, and achievements is both inspiring and fulfilling to be a part of and witness to.
Jess is also fiercely dedicated to ensuring basketball families feel 100% supported and guided throughout the entire recruitment process. Having her own son, she understands the difficulties of navigating a process where you don't have all the answers too. Creating a recruiting offer that puts the power of the recruiting process back in the hands of the players and their families is a huge priority and one she's committed to seeing all the way through.

Treston grew up with a passion for basketball and played most of his life. His love for basketball led him to become a starting point guard position at the varsity level in high school. After high school, he landed a basketball scholarship for Division 1 NAIA at Grace University. This gave him the opportunity to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in business.
After graduating, Treston pursued a career in videography. At Hoop Brothers, he gets to combine his love for basketball and videography to help basketball players achieve their dreams. He loves helping them showcase their talent in a professional way that grabs the attention of college scouts and coaches.
As someone who has gone through the recruitment process himself, he wishes he had the same support Hoop Brothers provides. He believes it could have helped him make the most of the recruitment process and be more aware of the best options for his basketball career.